
Regardless of the industry you are in, one of the best ways to inject the customers’ points of view into a product is to expose those people who are designing and building the product to the customers’ pain. The best way I’ve found to do this is to put them on the support lines for […]

Anyone who has worked with me over the past few years will be familiar with my strong opinions regarding the importance of solid product management in a software development company.  I admit, when I first thought about going into marketing, I thought that marketing’s role was to support the sales campaigns. It took one specific product management […]

Whether you work in product management, marketing, or sales, a good problem statement can be very beneficial in helping to define, market, or sell your products. The other day a product idea was pitched to me which, when described verbally, was one of those ideas that was very complex and difficult to explain. It began […]

In my many years working with software development companies, I’ve seen three distinct types of leadership, each with its own challenges. The leadership tends to evolve along a consistent path within each company, and some companies survive these transitions while others don’t. Most software companies start out as a technology-driven company. This means that a […]

A wise man once taught me that there is no need to write and rewrite and write again the marketing collateral for websites, brochures, and flyers for a product. In fact, consistency across marketing collateral goes a very long way towards communicating complex product descriptions and value propositions to customers, market analysts and sales teams. […]

I have been fortunate enough over the years to work for some exciting software companies. Many of my favourite are, sadly, no longer with us. When looking back over why some of these companies failed, there are a surprising number of similarities (hopefully unrelated to my employment with them). The first software company that I […]

WARNING: This is the most deeply technical of my posts so far. You might want to have an aspirin ready. One of the things I’ve learned over the years is that when you create a software product, it is important to identify a market problem and provide a solution to the market for that problem. This is […]

Today we officially launched Mali Developer Center at ARM TechCon3 in San Jose, California. This portal brings together a variety of resources and tools for software engineers writing code for the ARM Mali Graphics Processing Units. When I began the process of creating this website, I wanted to use it as an opportunity to step […]